My journey to becoming a designer has been a wild one. I originally went to college to study as an Aeronautical Engineer. I had this weird belief that the things I wanted to do weren't a 'real job' and that I had to get an 'actual degree' if I wanted to be successful. After a year and a half of studying as an engineer, I was having serious mental issues and my family recognized something had to change.
I first found my passion for creation by making car designs in a video game called Forza Motorsport. By using mostly basic shapes you could create just about anything you wanted by putting the time and effort in. I was amazed to find that thousands of people actually really enjoyed what I made! To this day I'm blown away that in one game alone my designs had over 150,000 total downloads. Yes, I'm going to brag about that. This is what pushed me to realize that design was something worth pursuing.
After leaving my studies as an engineer, I changed course towards becoming a designer. I transferred first to a local community college in San Diego to gain general education credit. After spending another year there, I made a second transfer to Sacramento State. Sacramento State was an exceptional place to learn, and I am forever grateful for the teachers that helped me grow from an amateur Times New Roman spammer to a well-rounded professional.